"Here's to strong women: may we know them, may we be them,
may we raise them."
During this month, Psi chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta commemorates women’s history and celebrates what it means to be a woman. As an international women’s organization, we commend our sisters for being committed to impacting one another, serving others, and for upholding a lifelong spirit of sisterhood.
In honor of the last day of Women's History Month, we are highlighting a few of the many incredible members of our chapter who inspire women and impact the world daily.
Check out their stories below!
Women in Leadership

Julia Stewart
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
Majors: Economics and Public Health
Minors: Latin and Social Innovation & Leadership
Involvement: University Fellows Experience, Journal of Science and
Health Assistant Editor, Carl A. Elliott Society, Honors College,
College of Human Environmental Sciences Ambassadors,
SGA EVP Director of Academic Affairs, Capstone Men and Women
“I have had a faculty mentor explain that sometimes because we are women, we tend to sell ourselves too short and limit our own possibilities by not going for the things in which we truly would do well. I would say to any young woman facing barriers, obstacles, or self-doubt to put her worth and confidence in something Greater. Find confidence not in yourself but in Whose you are, and remember that you are on this earth for a purpose greater than yourself. Trusting in the Lord and clinging to His mercy will give each and every one of us a path that will be greater than we could ever hope or imagine,” Stewart said. “There are still so many doors to be knocked down in the effort to see more women in leadership and to empower women at every level past the barriers and inhibitors to access and equity in every field. We must continue to lean on each other, support each other, and advocate for our seat at the table.”

Mary Jane Rose
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
Major: Management Information Systems
Minor: Psychology
Involvement: University Steward, Honors College, UADM,
Information Management Society, B+ Foundation
“One major inspiration in my life is my family friend Kaitlyn Esteppe. She inspires me as she is a nurse working in the ICU, which, as I have learned, is not an easy job. She is an advocate for her patients and is constantly doing what is right for them,” Rose said. “She is inspiring to me because of her selflessness and dedication to helping others, and her open-mindedness is a reminder that there is never a point where we will know everything.”

Lexi Crowe
Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Majors: Communication Studies and Criminal Justice
Minor: Social Welfare
Involvement: Secretary of First-Year Council, Pre-Law Student Association,
Capstone Communication Student Society, Honors College, University Stewards,
International Justice Mission, Criminal Justice Student Association,
C&IS Ambassadors, Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society
“As a woman in leadership, I hope that I can adequately pave the way for future generations of women leaders, just as the women before me did,” Crowe said. “As a woman in leadership, I have had to overcome the barriers of preconceived notions about women. Many people, without realizing it, have a preference towards having men in leadership positions - just look at the 46 United States Presidents that we’ve had. So, women tend to have to prove themselves worthy for a position more than a man would”

Gracie Avery
Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Major: Public Health
Minor: Biology
Involvement: Honors College, UADM, RUF,
Child Life and Child Development Lab,
All of Us Research Intern for NIH
“I am inspired by the women I do life with daily. Each of these women seeks out light and excellence in all that they do. They are change-makers, influencers, leaders, and the dearest of friends. They are each shining examples of hard work and achievement in the fields that they are going to work in,” Avery said. “Seeing women in leadership allows me to see what is possible for myself. Women in leadership demonstrate what it means to break barriers and change the world. I admire women who lead with strength, grace, and humility, striving to make the world a better place.”

Brina Harden
Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama
Major: English and Political Science
Involvement: Speaker of First-Year Council, Honors College Ambassador,
University Fellows Experience, League of Women Voters,
Freshman Forum, Honors College, Church of the Highlands
“Community is probably the thing that has been serving as the biggest inspiration to me recently. I definitely did not feel this way a year ago, but I truly can now say that I am surrounded by a community of women who uplift, encourage, & pour into me beyond what I could have imagined,” Harden said. “This is what inspires me to constantly better myself, even on the days that it may seem impossible. I could not be more grateful for people that are there for me throughout the many seasons of college and inspire me to stay strong.”
Women in Science

Alex Thompson
Hometown: Trussville, Alabama
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology
Involvement: Pre-dental society, America's Toothfairy Organization,
Project Health Gamma Branch, Students Supporting Healthcare Workers,
Believe UA Mentor, Guadalupan Multicultural Service Center Project Volunteer
"My interests in science, combined with my own experience at Children's Hospital of Alabama, sparked my STEM involvement and desire for a healthcare career. I narrowed my true passion to dentistry after observing the beautiful artery and intentional patient-physician relationships required for the profession," Thompson said. "I believe life is too short not to proactively make a difference in others' lives, and I am excited to be pursuing a career founded in STEM where I can do that by restoring patients' health and confidence through a compassionate approach."

Ashley Lasky
Hometown: The Woodlands, Texas
Major: Chemical Engineering on STEM Path to MBA
Minor: Global and Cultural Perspectives
Involvement: Society of Women Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
STEM Path to MBA, Alabama Club Swim Team, UA Believe Mentor,
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society,
Semester at Sea Global Ambassador, Honors College
“One of the biggest barriers I have had to overcome so far as a woman in STEM is having few women role models and mentors in the field. This is something that drives me every day to do the best I can within my field so that I am able to mentor, influence, and spark growth within other young girls in STEM,” Lasky said. “I love a challenge, and I am excited to have the opportunity to be a part of breaking those barriers.”

Nicola Voss
Hometown: Dothan, Alabama
Major: Biology
Minor: Neuroscience
Involvement: Society of Women in Medicine, Conner Lab Research Assistant,
DCH volunteer, Tuscaloosa Gynecology Scribe, AED mentor,
Student Government Association Academic Affairs Cabinet,
UA Club Tennis, UA Honors College
“I grew up surrounded by science and medicine. Watching my parents adapt to and overcome the hardships that come with performing advanced, innovative medicine in a rural community inspired me to do the same. I hope to further the progression of science in both research and medical fields,” Voss said. “As a woman, I have had the pleasure of joining organizations and societies that previously weren’t infiltrated with women. Being a part of science that involves women on a day-to-day basis is one of my main inspirations.”

Rachel Wright
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Major: Nursing
Involvement: Capstone College of Nursing Ambassador,
B+ Morale team
“I have always wanted to become a nurse. I have a deep passion for the service of others, and I gain great gratification from related work and volunteerism. Nurses are the ones who know the most about the patients, who are with them at the bedside, and recognize and address the subtle changes in patient status. They hold the lives of their patients in their hands, and the careful preciseness of their work is irreplaceable,” Wright said. “ I love that nursing allows the development of relationships with patients and their families even for a short time.”

Nicole Terfloth
Hometown: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Major: Biology
Minors: Spanish and Addiction & Recovery
Involvement: Project Health, Society of Women in Medicine,
Beyond Bama
“As a woman in STEM, I have experienced a lot of sexism. I have learned that I had to establish my role in this class/discussion early on. Usually, my two options are either to play dumb, passivity, or express my intellect and be perceived as a pretentious woman,” Terfloth said. “Sexism in STEM is something I’m still trying to overcome and something that women in these fields have to battle every day until there is equal representation of both men and women in STEM.”
Women in the Arts

Elizabeth Harmon
Hometown: Macomb, Michigan
Major: Musical Theater
Involvement: UADM Miracle Maker, Alpha Psi Omega,
“There is a stereotype about women in the arts regarding intelligence, and I have personally been told how irresponsible it is to pursue this, but every day I try to prove them wrong by working on my craft and dedicating literally every decision I make to growing as a performer,” Harmon said. “Women in this field also consistently get sexualized, and to overcome this, I just strive to keep my morals in mind and know that with hard work, I can make it without having to do anything I’m uncomfortable with.”

Emma Claire Dykes
Hometown: Dacula, Georgia
Major: Musical Theatre & Acting
CREATE Path to the MBA
Involvement: College of Arts and Sciences Ambassadors,
CREATE Path to the MBA, Honors College,
Alpha Psi Omega Theatre Honors Society,
University Department of Theatre and Dance Theatre Productions,
Dance Alabama Film Festival, Alabama Repertory Dance Theatre
“I think it has become too easy to value successful women in the arts for their beauty over their work, minds, and hearts. Setting intentions to look for the individuality behind each woman I see, whether that be celebrities on a red carpet or the other students I see in class every day, is something I work to do every day,” Dykes said. “Valuing women for their intelligence, kindness, passion, and creativity is an active practice, but one that is so much better than only valuing a pretty face for nothing more than its beauty.”

Raegan Hall
Hometown: Madison, Alabama
Major: History
Minors: Mandarin Chinese and Studio Art
Involvement: Honors College Ambassador,
Honors College, Church of the Highlands
“I think it’s important for women to be involved in the arts because it’s good for the soul. Art isn’t confined to painting and drawing. it can be music, dance, photography, writing, singing, or anything that makes you feel a little lighter,” Hall said. “Life is too short not to enjoy the simple things; find a way to incorporate the arts of some form into your life.”

Abby Quammen
Hometown: Lexington, Kentucky
Major: Musical Theatre
Minor: Political Science
Involvement: UA Theatre and Dance Ambassadors Program,
Cardinal Key Honors Society
“Being a woman in any field is exhausting. You work relentlessly day after day to prove yourself because that’s what must be done to achieve the recognition deserved, not for yourself but for those to come after you. I always like to tell people about all of the extra things that have to be done to earn a career in the arts. My major is musical theatre, but that doesn’t mean I only sing and dance. In order to graduate, we must know all aspects of how the theatre operates. Currently, I’m spending eleven hours a week in a scene shop, amidst classes, rehearsals, and a job. In the scene shop we are building pieces of the set for the show we are currently in-painting, lifting, and doing everything else under the sun,” Quammen said. “I had to work hard to prove that I could handle this task in a room full of men. I had to prove that just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean that I’m not strong or that I can’t work diligently to get a difficult task completed. Overcoming stereotypes is difficult. It can lead to tears, exhaustion, and heartache, but it can also lead to elation, fulfillment, and forces one to remember that there is a reason for all that we put ourselves through to reach our dreams.”
Women in Sports

Makennah Allen
Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Major: Multiple Abilities Program in the Department of Education
Involvement: Million Dollar Band Crimsonette,
Fellowship Christian Athletes, Multiple Abilities Program,
Bryant-Denny Stadium Tour Guide,
Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Society
"When I was younger, I always admired the Crimsonettes. The Crimsonettes and the Million Dollar Band are timeless, absolutely amazing. Because of the influence of those women, it inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a Crimsonette," Allen said. "I am so thankful to God for blessing me with the abilities and perseverance to make this team."

Claire Yates
Hometown: Prospect, Kentucky
Major: News Media
Involvement: Club Gymnastics Team, Phi Eta Sigma Society,
Golden Key Society, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, UADM,
Girls on the Run, Sigma Alpha Lambda, Capstone Church,
Crimson White Contributing Writer
"Being a female in sports can definitely be challenging. People usually just assume that I can do a few cartwheels and handstands, and that's it. Some people don't even consider gymnastics a sport. I've been a gymnast my whole life, and hearing people say it isn't even a sport bothers me. Ever since I started competing, I've practiced in the gym 25-30 hours per week. We would have an intense warm-up, which led to extreme conditioning and then practicing at each event. I do all four events— vault, bars, beam, and floor. The sport's intensity is crazy, and I feel like females do not get enough credit for it. Gymnastics is not only physically challenging but mentally as well. It is a tough sport, and the techniques need to be perfected for gymnasts to train safely," Yates said. "As a female athlete, I know what it's like to participate in a challenging sport, and I believe all female athletes need to be appreciated for the hard work and dedication they have put into sports. Although a lot of people think that sports are for boys, sports are most definitely for anyone. Girls are just as capable of playing sports as boys are, and I think both boys and girls should be seen for the commitment they have given to sports."

Michaela Morard
Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama
Major: Business
Minor: Sports Performance
Involvement: Alabama Women's Golf Team, UADM,
Alpha Lamda Delta Honor Society, Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society,
Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement,
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
"Playing in the Augusta Women's National Amateur this week has given me more of an inside perspective of what it means for women to be able to play at Augusta finally. I am just so excited and honored," Morard said. "I love the endless support I receive from all of my sisters at Alpha Gam. It truly is the best place I could ever be."

Maria Evola
Hometown: Macomb, Michigan
Majors: Interdisciplinary Studies and Global and Cultural Perspectives
Involvement: Dance Team, Church at the Oaks, UADM,
Student Alumni Ambassadors, Art Forward, RUF,
Graduate Research, Alpha Lambda Delta Society
"My female sports hero is Megan Rapinoe because she is the definition of female empowerment. I look up to her not only as an athlete but as a woman. This is important as a woman in sports because this season of life is only temporary," Evola said. "I have tried my best not to rely on my identity as an athlete and recognize how important my team is to me in making me the woman I am to become."