What's Happening?
A Message From Our Recruitment Chairs

We are honored to serve Psi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta as the Vice Presidents of Recruitment for 2023-2024. As members of Alpha Gam, we have been provided with an invaluable journey of authentic friendship, and unwavering support. We have both grown in leadership, philanthropic service, academic excellence, and campus involvement over the past few years. Our hearts are filled with excitement as we prepare to share these experiences with other young women on campus.
In our roles as Recruitment Chairs, we will stand alongside Psi Chapter in our commitment to showcase Alpha Gam's incredible sisterhood. Alpha Gam has positively impacted our collegiate experience​ in numerous ways, such as providing a network of welcoming and genuine sisters. It is our collective mission to ensure a positive recruitment experience for each young woman looking to find her home on campus.
Recruitment is a special time that allows our chapter to grow closer to one another, strengthen friendships, and prepare to welcome new members into our sisterhood. We welcomed 138 amazing women as part of our 2023 pledge class, and we look forward to welcoming more in 2024
We are thrilled to meet each one of you participating in Recruitment this year and cannot wait to welcome home PC '24!
With love,
Carson Ryan and Grace Smithart